Saturday, 28 May 2011


CBF: FINANCE FREEDOM: THE RULES: " When nothing happens something is never created (event). The inception of something is an evidence to proof that an incident has occurr..."


CBF: FINANCE FREEDOM: THE EXPECTED END: "It is pertinent to acknowledge the fact that life is precious provided you see it that way; for the way you see life-the way you live lif..."

Week 3
You are not a loser just because you do not finish something you no longer desire.

5 Not that we are competent of ourselves to claim anything as coming from us; our competence is from God, 2Cor.3:5

God hangs photographs in your heart, of something you can become…do… or have. A dream –seed is the invisible photograph of a desired miracle, goal or dream. Abraham in the Bible nurtured that inner picture of many generations of children through his promised son, Isaac. Guard with all diligence that dream-seed that God has planted in your heart, through prayer and discretion.
*    What excites you in your youth may bore you when you are older.
*    Be willing to relinquish previous goals that no longer stimulate you.
*    Don’t be a prisoner to your dreams of earlier years.
Poco a poco there you will be!
Till next week Shalom.

Monday, 23 May 2011


Week 2
A God inspired dream will always require the participation of God.
1 ¶ For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:
Ecclesiastes 3:1

Every dream is born or borrowed. It is born within your own heart or subconsciously borrowed from someone who has influenced you. Whatever creates energy and joy within you is probably an indication of what God wants you to pursue. Your dominant talent is the center of your expertise. Your success is there.
*    God never intend for you to succeed alone
*    What you lack is always housed in someone else.
*    When you pray each day ask God to direct you to the person He has chosen to make a contribution to your life.
*    One hour with God could easily reveal to you the fatal flaws in your most carefully laid plans.
*    He who succeeds in prayer… succeeds.
*    Let God decide your daily agenda… and your dream will be achieved.
Poco a poco there you will be!
Till next week Shalom.

Monday, 16 May 2011


Week 1
The future you want can be created only if you will. You can! You will and You must.
18 "Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old.
19 Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:18-19

 You will never leave where you are until you decide where you will rather be. The day you make a decision about your life is the day your world will change. Move decisively toward the goals you have established. Intolerance of your present creates the future.
Your daily agenda is a written list of things you want to accomplish in the next 24 hours. On your written daily agenda, decide your priorities in the order of their importance. You will never unlock your potential until your priorities become habitual. When you focus on your priorities you will eliminate confusion. The wise refuse to consider too many goals. Only write down the number of things you know you will actually complete. You don’t have to impress your folks with too many fascinating but unachievable goals.
When you over-schedule, your attention will focus on those things you failed to accomplish instead of the tasks that have been completed. TAKE TIME ONLY FOR THAT WHICH IS WORTHWHILE.
*    Give yourself enough time to achieve your goal
*    Good things take effort and time- invests them!
*    Be honest with your self concerning your talent, time and resources.
*    Focus only on those tasks that you feel worthy of your total attention and time.
Poco a poco there you will be!

Till next week Shalom.